Wednesday, May 16, 2007

thanks of freedom (+20)

[Hmmm, wonder what happened over-night? These are much heavier - and equally awesome!]

I am thankful for:

1. Every pilgrim who knew the risks, but made the journey anyway into the unknown
2. Ben Franklin
3. Thomas Jefferson
4. Alexander Hamilton
5. James Madison
6. Every signer of the Declaration of Independence, who knew that they were signing their death warrant, but signed it - and backed it up with their deeds, fortunes, and lives
7. George Washington
8. Abraham Lincolm (who could have quit in the face of apparantly obvious odds against his political career, at any point along the way, but persisted, so that the Divine could use him as the leader of a great decision and movement)
9. Every soldier that fought in the Civil War (and whose heart was broken by the War itself, regardless of the outcome)
10. Every soldier that was part of the Allied Invasion of France on D-Day June 6, 1944, who fought against every odd, and because of whom the tide began to turn against the Axis powers, and to whom every Concentration Camp survivor owes/owed his/her live(s)
11. Especially Rene O. Hebert, my great uncle, who my grandfather, from whose death-in-action about one week after landing on Omaha Beach on June 6, 1944, my grandfather (his only brother) never quite recovered
12. The Holocaust survivor who visited my 6th grade class about 30 years ago, who told us his story and showed us the tatoo-ed Concentration Camp number on his arm - so that 30 years later when groups would attempt to convince the world that the Holocaust didn't really happen, 25 of us could easily and quickly dismiss their lies
13. For every American who fought in Vietnam - whether their heart was in it or not
14. For my father, who did fight in Vietnam - and who God spared, for which I am eternally grateful
15. For every soldier fighting in the post-9/11 wars
16. For every American citizen, including Boy Scouts and Girl Scounts who will place tokens of remembrance on the graves of our Veterans for Memorial Day
17. For every American citizen who will take a moment of silence out of their pool parties at 3:00 p.m. on Memorial Day to remember our fallen veterans
18. For Francis Scott Key, who witnessed the battle (of a forgotten war), not knowing through the night whether he would still be a free man in the morning, and was inspired to write what is now our Nation's Anthem
19. For Irving Berlin, who 100+ years, set a glorious prayer to song, which instantly set upon the lips of a grateful Nation (God Bless America)
20. For every person who watches a ball game and stands and gets choked up at the singing of the National Anthem and God Bless America

Wishing you,

All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book


Kenneth Vance said...

What about John Adams? The 2nd greatest president, and #1 marginalized and over-looked.

Kenneth Vance said...

Theresa - nice list! I'm thankful for:

1. I'm thankful for the sacrifice of Jesus Christ - God made flesh, suffered the death filled with pain and humiliation for that I can be redeemed from my sins.

2. John Adams a devout follower of Jesus Christ and the ONLY of our founding fathers who never participated in the slave trade and wanted to make slavery illegal at the inception of our country. Our 2nd president forfeited his legacy (no monument, no picture on currency) for the sake of his faith.

3. I'm thankful for Thurgood Marshall - as lead council for the NAACP, he argued 32 cases in front of the Supreme Court of the United States and won 29...single handedly changing the course of this great nation.

4. I'm thankful for Dr. King - thank you for your dream. You paid the ultimate sacrifice.

5. I'm thankful for my grandfather Edward Hill Jr.. One of two documented lynching survivors. Hung to a tree in 1933 (3 years before my mom was born), cut down by my great uncle still alive...didn't die until 1990. Thank you for your strength and Godliness. No bitterness, no hatred, you are a remarkable man and my hero. I'm looking forward to spending eternity with you.

6. I'm thankful for Ronald Reagan. I great president and man of vision. Thank you for signing the King Holiday into law in the face of much opposition.

7. I'm thankful for our constitution - an incredible, self-correcting document that whose writers were inspired by the Holy Spirit.

8. I'm thankful for my wife have had an incredible impact on my life and my relationship with my God. You are a brilliant woman and a great American.

9. I'm thankful for Abe Lincoln our 2nd greatest President. I've read many, many books about! I can't begin to imagine the challenges that you faced. What a remarkable leader. Your reliance on your faith is so compelling. You held our union together during a time of hatred and divisiveness. I can't wait to spend eternity with you.

10. I'm thankful for Nelson Mandela - you taught me the true meaning of forgiveness and civility. 26 year in prison for wanting to be free. 23 hours a day in a 6' by 6' cell (you couldn't even fully extend your arms). When you were elected president, you invited the warden of that prion to your inauguration as a guest of honor - WOW!

SPECIAL THANKS: To my ancestors. The millions who died as a result of legalized slavery in the western world. The shame, torture, humiliation, and de-humanization that you suffered has been redeemed. I stand as a strong symbol of what you endured. Your suffering and sacrifice was not in vain and it will NEVER be forgotten.

God Bless~

Kenneth V. Wilson