Tuesday, June 3, 2008

BYU Television

I'm not LDS. I do consider myself a Christian, a "recovering Catholic," and a person who reads/enjoys/applies (in addition to new & old Christian teachers) some of those contemporary writings that many label as "New Age" (e.g. Dr. Wayne Dyer, Marianne Williamson, Abraham-Hicks, Conversations with God, etc.).

And ... I love BYU Television. BYU Television has a VAST amount of wonderful, spiritual, positive teachings on parenting, marriage, families, communication, and self-growth that are unsurpassed on tv.

I run into soooo many parents on a daily basis that tell me about challenges with children. So often the first thing that comes to my mind is, "I wish you would watch the BYU tv Family Expo on __(parenting topic)___ that was on last week."

Many people don't realize that the Family Expo and Education Week talks/seminars for many years are available - for free - online.

A HUGE resource for parents - that so few people know about.

Wishing you,

All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book