Friday, May 18, 2007

28 people, places and things & 1 divine

1. my loving husband
2. my terrific daughter
3. my wonderful step-daughter
4. my awesome wicked-cool brother
5. my splendiferous (ok, it's not a word, but it should be) sister
6. all of my many aunts and uncles - who have all shown me love, kindness and support along the way
7. my step-father and his whole family
8. my grandparents
9. my extended family
10. my in-laws
11. my clients
12. my colleagues
13. my professional adversaries (I'm an attorney)
14. my neighbors - we actually know each other on a first name basis and chat the most with each other on snowy days while shoveling snow (and making snow angels, aha . . . )
15. snow angels
16. sledding
17. hot chocolate
18. Blizzard of '78 (was was 12, in about 8th grade, no DVD or VHS, no satelite dish or cable, no computers, no internet, JUST fireplaces, Monopoly, and friends - oh, yeah, and my father walking home from work for miles after being stranded in Providence RI in the blizzard)
19. I'm grateful for being raised on extra layers of clothing - even if I don't have the state of the art mosture-wicking lycra blend, I know how to stay warm in New England winters!
20. great friends
21. math puzzles and logic problems (yes, I am a math nerd)
22. the Dictionary (which I used to read at lunch)
23. Supercalifragilistic - the word, for providing hours of entertainment while my sister and I used to try to make as many words as possible out of its letters
24. my awesome public school teachers (Canton, Cranston, Scottsdale, Swansea)
25. my awesome college & law school professors (Providence College, SUNY Purchase, Fordham School of Law)
26. my husband's friends - they make life wonderful and interesting
27. my therapist
28. my personal trainer
29. God

Wishing you,

All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

thanks of freedom (+20)

[Hmmm, wonder what happened over-night? These are much heavier - and equally awesome!]

I am thankful for:

1. Every pilgrim who knew the risks, but made the journey anyway into the unknown
2. Ben Franklin
3. Thomas Jefferson
4. Alexander Hamilton
5. James Madison
6. Every signer of the Declaration of Independence, who knew that they were signing their death warrant, but signed it - and backed it up with their deeds, fortunes, and lives
7. George Washington
8. Abraham Lincolm (who could have quit in the face of apparantly obvious odds against his political career, at any point along the way, but persisted, so that the Divine could use him as the leader of a great decision and movement)
9. Every soldier that fought in the Civil War (and whose heart was broken by the War itself, regardless of the outcome)
10. Every soldier that was part of the Allied Invasion of France on D-Day June 6, 1944, who fought against every odd, and because of whom the tide began to turn against the Axis powers, and to whom every Concentration Camp survivor owes/owed his/her live(s)
11. Especially Rene O. Hebert, my great uncle, who my grandfather, from whose death-in-action about one week after landing on Omaha Beach on June 6, 1944, my grandfather (his only brother) never quite recovered
12. The Holocaust survivor who visited my 6th grade class about 30 years ago, who told us his story and showed us the tatoo-ed Concentration Camp number on his arm - so that 30 years later when groups would attempt to convince the world that the Holocaust didn't really happen, 25 of us could easily and quickly dismiss their lies
13. For every American who fought in Vietnam - whether their heart was in it or not
14. For my father, who did fight in Vietnam - and who God spared, for which I am eternally grateful
15. For every soldier fighting in the post-9/11 wars
16. For every American citizen, including Boy Scouts and Girl Scounts who will place tokens of remembrance on the graves of our Veterans for Memorial Day
17. For every American citizen who will take a moment of silence out of their pool parties at 3:00 p.m. on Memorial Day to remember our fallen veterans
18. For Francis Scott Key, who witnessed the battle (of a forgotten war), not knowing through the night whether he would still be a free man in the morning, and was inspired to write what is now our Nation's Anthem
19. For Irving Berlin, who 100+ years, set a glorious prayer to song, which instantly set upon the lips of a grateful Nation (God Bless America)
20. For every person who watches a ball game and stands and gets choked up at the singing of the National Anthem and God Bless America

Wishing you,

All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

10 things I am thankful for

1. sunshine
2. rain
3. spring flowers
4. my daughter's drawings of a happy home and family
5. butterflies
6. homemade rolled, cutout, decorated sugar cookies
7. America's freedom
8. love
9. my Mom
10. my Dad

Go ahead, add a few - it'll bring a smile to your face! Wishing you,

All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book